Minimus ( Q) " Who is in charge of the Governing Body"
The Rebel ( A) Everybody who gives them the power.
Minimus ( Q) " Who is in charge of the Governing Body"
The Rebel ( A) Everybody who gives them the power.
greetings to you and your family.
i am mrs. amadou gloria, a widow to late mr. greg amadou; i am 56 years old, suffering from pancreatic cancer, my condition is really bad and it is quite obvious that i will not live for a very long time according to my doctors but i strongly believe in god and not the doctors and if it is the will of god that i will die, then so shall it be.nevertheless i am willing to donate the sum of 1,700.000.00 us dollars for you to help widows and the less privileged in the rural and urban areas and to carry out charity works, my promise to god almighty is to help the poor people and i hope you have the kind of heart and ability to help others that is of needs, if so please do not hesitate to indicate to me, your interest.
i wait to see your response, write me for more discussion [email protected] my regards, madam gloria.
I am on the case," colinconfused" which is why I gave both your posts a " dislike. " As for your O.P I am restricted by posting guidelines to give it the merit it deserves.
arguing with those who reject scientific evidence can be like arguing about football; just as angry and passionate, but the goalposts keep moving, and one team doesn't exist.. read more here....
As this O.P is now on post 168 and only its seventh day, I will remind everyone of the O.P heading :-
" Debating with Evolution Deniers is Just Like This"
So please some respect everybody even "God " rested on the seventh day !!
p.s i believe a close examination and reading of the O.P will reveal this was supposed to be a fun thread?
a woman whom i knew as a teenager stayed over at another witness family's home.
the brother who was the father was caught peeking at her while she was taking a shower.
she told the elders, a jc was held, the brother was repentant and had loss of privileges for a year.
Slow down and relax " JRK" please clarify why I " The Rebel" and my comment made you say what you wrote?
a woman whom i knew as a teenager stayed over at another witness family's home.
the brother who was the father was caught peeking at her while she was taking a shower.
she told the elders, a jc was held, the brother was repentant and had loss of privileges for a year.
Sorry I am confused here. Let's bullit-point your O.P.
A) 35 years ago a brother was caught peeking at a sister whilst she took a shower.
B) she told the elders he was rependent and lost privaliges.
C) Now 35 years later she intends suing the watchtower.
With the greatest respect she needs a bloody good laywer.
On a more serious note has anybody heard of Cliff Richard? ( His band members were called " The Shadows" and converted to Jehovers witnesses) Anyway I think Cliff Richard is a resent and better example of why we need a statute of limitations on such charges, but the sister you knew is a good example.
im asking for you guys help in a phase im going through right now.
im sure it’ll pass but id appreciate your advice..
born in, my family consists of mum, dad, two brothers and two sisters.
pale.emperor, I really appreciate your posts, and now I appreciate from this post the wonderful personality, behind the posts. I can't give any advice, except to say it's your decision and you do what is the right thing for you.
It's never easy leaving a cult,the anxiety you are going through is part of the process.
ok. i know this has been brought up in the past, but i have often wondered who in our halls are awake (for those of us who attend).
there are some i would consider a 'maybe', but no way of ever really knowing.. so here is my idea.
i hope it doesn't sound too masonic,.
Truthexplorer: (Q) Ideas to " DISCREETLY" identify the awoken among us?"
The Rebel (A) How about we " DISCREETLY" ask them?"
Actually it's not usually that difficult to tell, often by body language, but also by meeting attendance, fewer answers at meetings, ect. Also most of us aren't such good actors....but the biggest clue is " privaliges" as you will be surprised how the elders usually spot " awakening" brothers first, even amoung fellow elders.
well here's the thing... my brother-in-law needed some marketing boost for his dental clinic (i'm a dental student by now, her sister, my girlfriend, also), so i designed some brochures and today they were ready at the print studio.. i told him... "look, i spent 20 years in that cult, they have a very boring message, and they still managed to achieve 7m or more adepts, so i will distribute this brochures in the area this way: just like in field service, drawing some territories and "preaching" block by block... just to know were and when our advertising is being delivered".
so i started preaching the "dental good news", it was so easy compared to field service!!!
everyone were very receptive in the clinic's neighbourhood (it's in a downtown area in santiago, cl).
Target, Identify and Educate.
I think the beauty of your marketing is that:-
A) As a dental student your age gives credibility to door knocking. ( it might appear desperate if a middle aged dentist adopted the same approach?)
B) Cost effective.
C) Targets those close to the practice, that are more likely to need or make use of your dental praxtice.
D) Educates those people about the practice in a very open and friendly way.
E) Allows you to get informed on the competition. ( This can often give you the correct time frame to do a " return call")
Hope the exercise generates a great client base.
let's be honest everyone has their limits, their breaking point.
personally i try to remain placid when provoked, but on occasion i can loose it.
the last time i lost it was when chelsea came to watford and some chelsea supporters had some how got tickets and were sitting in the home end.
Interesting read " James Brown" thanks.
" Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured"-Mark Twain
We get angry when we are frustrated, which often cause us to release adrenalin, causing muscles to tence and the heart rate to increase.
" Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned" - The Buddah,
I quote Buddah because it was interesting how many posters wrote that they practice meditation to control their anger ( well one poster did anyway, and I make two) Personally I think anger is a form of reincarnation, I mean we wake up in a good mood and then something happens and we get angry, and we temporary become a different self to the self that started the day in a good mood. I have learnt that many of the times I got angry and lost my temple, it was quite unnecessary. The problem was me not the situation.
the jws have tried to pad the number of jws in camps.
how many actually went and how many died?
can you site the source also?
Whilst I agree with you Simon, I also believe the only reason Jehovers Witnesses ended up in concentration camps was because Judge Rutherford wrote ridiculous letters to Hitler. Therefore the persecution of Jehovers Witness was preventable.
As for the holocaust and concentration camps, it is a reminder of the human ability for evil, and it should be studied by our children and our children's children, and never forgotten. But surely the most important lesson, is that we must teach our children the lesson is to care about each innocent individual and their fate without prejudice.